Woodland Forge Testimonials

17-year-old High School Student Who Attended an Intensive Program

Stephanie came to us with a significant history of hospitalizations and chronic symptoms of anxiety, depression, and bulimia. She wrote “I came to Woodland Forge utterly broken. Any sense of self had completely disappeared over my years of struggle. I was considered treatment resistant and I believed (as did my family) that I was hopeless. I had been in treatment facilities for months at a time and they didn’t do anything. One week here seemed like a waste of time at first and rather stupid but I’m so grateful I went.” She continued “Dr. Davis is so passionate about her work…Dr. Alex was brilliant and made me feel comfortable. I was shocked that these two people cared so deeply for a family they had never met. I did so much work during the intensive week and am amazed at how I am being put together piece by piece. My family and myself emerged much stronger and understanding people. Thank you.”

Her mother wrote, “The treatment team validated what we have been going through (all of us, not just Stephanie). We came up with a plan that will not only help Stephanie but all of us. Thank you for your dedication to rescue the family, not only the patient!”